Our Free e-Newsletter for Opera Lovers Includes Such Articles and Offers as:
- José Soler and the differences between heroic and dramatic tenors
- Fernando Corena and the differences between the two kinds of basso buffo, nobile and caricato
- The history of vibrato in singing
- Franco Corelli: the missing years
- Mario Del Monaco and his rivalry with Corelli
- Jerome Hines
- Francisco Araiza
- Robert Merrill
- Sherrill Milnes
- Composers Valentino and Vincenzo Fioravanti
- Composer Saverio Mercadante
- Composer Giovanni Pacini
- Composers Federico and Luigi Ricci
- Composer Nicola Vaccai
- Music in the Third Reich
- Wilhelm Furtwängler’s collaboration with the Nazis
- Underground Opera in New York City: The singers in small companies
Some sample newsletters:
Great Conductors of Third Reich
Gavazzi and Prandelli in Adriana Lecouvreur
Gigli, Schipa, Caniglia, Bechi, Gobbi in Mad About Opera
DVD offers featuring Callas, Caniglia, Corelli, Del Monaco, Gigli, Gobbi, Mancini, Grace Moore, Joseph Schmidt, Schipa, Tauber, Valletti and many others
Three popular DVD titles recently recommended are:
- Carnegie Hall, with Heifetz, Peerce, Pinza, Pons, Reiner, Rodzinski, Rostropovich, Rubinstein, Risë Stevens, Stokowski and Bruno Walter
- The Dybbuk, with Gerszon Sirota
- Great Conductors of the Third Reich: Art in the Service of Evil, with Blech, Böhm, Furtwängler, Karajan, Knappertsbusch, Krauss, Schillings, also Hitler, Goebbels, Berger, Ralf, Rode and Rosvaenge
CD offers featuring Barbieri, Bastianini, Björling, Cerquetti, Christoff, Cigna, Corelli, Del Monaco, Stella and Tebaldi and Rossini’s Rivals: Music by Then-Famous, Now-Obscure, Italian Composers